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EDII - Bringing
Your School Online

Learn, explore, discover and excel,
all at one place.

Try for free

Trusted by schools like

Awesome app

Some of our app highlights

Fast performance

Increased app performance and
reduced latency so you
work hassle free

Homework Management

Get your homework assigned
to you on one click from
the school ! It's Simple

Live Test

Our app is integrated
with the live test
feature for the students

Over 150 schools use EDII & anywhere

Get instant update about your student. EDII prepare students for the best educational experience. Find schools, get advice from the experts, apply for scholarships, and see what's trending live on EDII app.

Bus Tracking

Get live location of the school bus with integrated maps so you don't worry about your child.


Integrated biometric attendance will manage the attendance of students and HRMS of the employees.


Receive notifications about daily happenings in the school and stay updated with all the buzz.

Designed & built by
the latest code

A highly professional team of developers is working round the clock on the best technology available to cope up with the usage and traffic to our servers so you don't lag a bit.

Why you should choose

With over 50,000+ students and 150+ schools using our services, edii has gained the trust of it's users.


EDII-Bot advices you on day to day activities. Let AI help you in making smart decisions.

App Development

Time to time bug fixes and updates are a norm for better performance and service updates at edii.

Score Board

Real time live score board to display the best performances in the school.

Cloud Storage

With our services running on cloud, you don't have to worry about downtime and latency.


Update your details like name, address, photo etc on the app and the same will be synced to your school.

Customer Support

Have any queries? Chat with us anytime using our chat bot service available on this site anytime.

Ultimate features
that we are built on

The rise of mobile devices transforms the way we consume information entirely.

Cross Platform

Edii works on multiple platforms : Android/IOS/Web.

UI Design

Edii is Simple to Use And is available on multiple platforms.

Cloud Storage

Data Is Securely saved in the Cloud,Accessible from anywhere.


EDII manages your school for you in single click, Easy And Simple.

Meet Client Satisfaction
Frequently asked questions

Need help with online classes. Click here. Or call us on +91 80 42128128

Download the edii app, or Click here. Or call us on +91 80 42128128

Please re-verify your number. Or mail us your details (Name, Class, Phone Numer, School) at Or call us on +91 80 42128128

Please re-verify your number. Or mail us your details (Name, Class, Phone Numer, School) at Or call us on +91 80 42128128

Download the App now

All of your school tasks like homework, attendance, online classes and exams, notifications and events, fee payment and news are all in the app.

Contact Us!

Have a question? Or need help in getting started, Let us know and we will get started.

Or you can Visit our office at : EDII, 4th Floor, Classic Layout, AECS Layout, A Block, (near HDFC Bank), Singasandra Village, Begur Hobli, Bangalore South Taluk, Bengaluru, 560068

Need More Help? Just Call us on (+91) 9632115743 / (+91) 7829467111